

批准:信息技术副总裁 成立日期: 4/2015


最后修订日期5/2015 负责执行:信息安全总监,信息技术副总裁

声明 学院提供的电子邮件服务合法产生, 监管和制度上对其许可使用的限制, 内容, 并由该机构的所有成员处理. This policy 提供s the framework 为 the permitted and proper use of email by the institution and its members.

范围 This policy affects all members of the 澳门葡京博彩软件 community who use the electronic mail and messaging services 提供d by the college.  

政策 作品简介: Electronic mail (email) is an established means of communication and in为mation conveyance 为 a wide variety of institutional, 专业及个人需要. Smith 提供s email services to its community members in support of the academic mission and administrative needs of the college. 该政策对允许使用和处理电子邮件帐户设定了限制和期望, 消息内容, 并使用服务来满足法律和法规要求的遵从性要求, 以及机构为自己设定的一般需求和期望.


  • 使用责任: use of Smith email services 必须 comply with all general user account policy requirements; in particular, all activities and use associated with an individual email account are the responsibility of the account owner.
  • 账户共享: the use of an individual account by anyone other than the person as签署 to the account is prohibited; however, 允许委派访问电子邮件帐户.
  • 帐户名称更改: 电子邮件服务用户名与您的澳门葡京博彩软件个人用户帐户绑定, and are not changed separately or independently from your Smith username; individual account username changes are generally made when official 注册商 or HR name changes are 批准.

禁止使用: 明确禁止使用电子邮件服务:

  • 促进或参与 任何非法活动,包括未经授权分享受版权法保护的任何内容.
  • 获取 未经授权的访问 其他人的档案和通讯,没有实质的机构需要.
  • to 侵犯他人的权利,或 骚扰其他 用户以任何方式.
  • 为…背书、宣传、游说或支持 政党或政治候选人 that in any way appears to act in violation of the college's legal requirement to remain politically neutral.
  • 为 筹款、商业招揽或广告 由官方认可的校园组织以外的团体或个人发起.
  • 对于non-college-related 商业或盈利活动.
  • To 传递“受保护”的机构信息 作为消息的一部分,或作为消息附件中的内容.

允许使用: 允许使用一些电子邮件服务, 但是对它们的使用有一定的限制, 如:

  • 个人通信: 允许偶然和偶尔个人使用澳门葡京博彩软件的电子邮件, but such messages will be treated no differently from other messages with respect to privacy and compliance with this policy.
  • 大部分的电子邮件 (see definition below): use of Smith email services 为 the sending of bulk email is permitted 提供d they meet with the following restrictions:
    • 邮件内容和收件人列表符合此策略中包含的批量电子邮件程序.
    • 使用应遵守所有适用的法律法规,包括但不限于反垃圾邮件法案.
    • Allows recipients to opt out or be removed from the list 为 future bulk emails related to the 消息内容 or from the message sender.
    • 遵守本政策中包含的以下程序.

电子邮件隐私: email communications using 澳门葡京博彩软件's email services may contain confidential or personal in为mation, 对此类通信的隐私和披露有一定的期望. 电子通讯, 包括电子邮件, 在隐私和访问方面受以下限制:

  • 澳门葡京博彩软件获取和披露信息的权利: Smith recognizes that members of the college community have some reasonable expectations of privacy with regard to the electronic mail messages they send or receive. 学院保留查阅及披露电子邮件讯息内容的权利, 但只有在有合法的与工作相关的需要时才会这样做. The college also reserves the right to disclose any electronic mail message to law en为cement officials. The 负责执行 of this policy will review any request 为 access to the 内容s of electronic mail without the consent of a sender or recipient. Such requests 必须 be 批准 in advance and any access undertaken without such approval is a breach of college policy.
  • 邮件服务监控: 智能交通系统部门的职员定期监控信息技术系统, 包括电子邮件系统和服务. If anomalies are found indicating the possibility of illegal activity or violations of college policy or security, 他们会进一步调查,并将调查结果报告本政策的负责行政人员.
  • 涉嫌政策或法律违规调查: the college may inspect the 内容s of electronic mail messages in the course of an investigation triggered by indications of impropriety.

电子邮件作为学院的“官方记录”: 电子邮件被认为是学院沟通的官方资源, and may be subject to other institutional or legal regulations and compliance requirements pertaining to the official records of the institution. 这包括但不限于:

  • 遵守法律行动,如诉讼持有通知.
  • 学院“记录保留”政策中规定的记录管理要求.
  • compliance with FERPA and any other regulatory requirements that pertain to the 内容 of a message or its attachments.

违反政策 Violations of college policies are adjudicated according to procedures outlined in the Student Handbook and the 工作人员 Handbook, 由裁判机关处以纪律处分直至开除. 根据州和联邦法律,有些罪行是要受到惩罚的.


电子邮件附件标准: Attachments to email messages are expected to comply with the following standards and best practices recommendations:

  • 附件应为 清除任何病毒或恶意软件 嵌入在附件中.
  • 不应包含任何归类为“受保护”的资料, 除非该文件是用普遍接受的加密协议加密的, 解密密钥以某种方式传递给接收方而不是通过电子邮件.
  • 必须 遵守这一政策 就好像它们是电子邮件信息或内容的一部分.

群发邮件的程序: 使用电子邮件服务发送“大量电子邮件”的规定如下:

  • 向大量选民(100+)发送批量电子邮件的分发列表, 包括非澳门葡京博彩软件.Edu电子邮件地址,必须使用官方支持的批量电子邮件服务提供商发送.
  • 大部分的电子邮件 communications should be sanctioned by someone with governance oversight of the recipient group.
  • 大量电子邮件消息的内容应遵循此策略中包含的电子邮件组成标准.
  • 发送批量邮件的附加指南, 广播或分发名单电邮均载列于资讯科技署网上的“电邮服务指引”文件内.

部门程序: Departments are expected to develop internal procedures relevant to their business processes that support compliance with this policy. Review and approval of internal procedures by the policy 负责执行 is recommended if questions of compliance or best practices arise.

电子邮件排版的标准和最佳做法: 为了促进官方通讯的一致性和专业性, 并更好地确保用户阅读并信任学院代表发送的信息, 建议遵守以下准则:


  • 主题行 应该直接陈述重要的信息内容,避免误导或通用的主题行吗
  • 提供 明确的联系方式 收件人的问题
  • is 签署 最后附上相关人员或部门的信息
  • is 批准 在消息发出之前,由具有消息范围治理权限的人负责
  • 只从 @澳门葡京博彩软件.edu 电子邮件发件人地址,不要混淆发件人信息
  • 信息内容传达 Smith-specific信息

留言内容中的网页链接: 在电子邮件信息中包含可点击内容时要小心, as this is how most phising email messages attempt to compromise a recipient's identity or personal in为mation. 只要合理的, ensure that URLs are explicit in the message text; try not to hide link addresses behind alternate clickable text.


  • 提供一个 特定的人 通过姓名作为发件人或作为问题的联系人
  • 使用正确的语法、拼写和习惯用语
  • 言简意赅
  • 编辑 校对风格,检查准确性
  • 如需通讯员名单,请发送至:个人帐户,及 密件:列表
  • 只发送给邮件内容直接指定的收件人
  • 避免“危言耸听”的词语或短语,例如: “你需要采取紧急行动"

定义 这些定义适用于本策略中使用的术语.


Email 消息内容 that is sent to a list of more than 25 recipients that is derived or maintained by an individual or group, 而接受者并没有明确同意接受.


发送给澳门葡京博彩软件用户的机构维护列表(“系统列表”)的电子邮件信息, 比如全体教员或班级的学生名单, usually from an account with explicit permission to send to that list; recipients cannot opt out of system lists.


Email messages sent to a list of users who have explicitly agreed to receive messages pertaining to the distribution list's subject or purpose.


一般, Smith institutional in为mation that has specific legal or regulatory compliance restrictions or protections, such as Social 安全 Numbers; see the Comprehensive In为mation 安全 Program 为 more detailed in为mation.


