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The Office of the 监察员 (ombuds) is a safe place for faculty and staff to talk in a confidential and neutral environment about concerns such as a conflict with a colleague or supervisor, the need for a difficult conversation or any work situation that you’re unsure about how to handle. The ombuds will work with you to develop effective options for addressing concerns and resolving conflicts. 


You may contact the ombuds to discuss a wide variety of issues, such as:

  • Desire to improve working relations with a colleague or your supervisor
  • Concern about the application of college policies and procedures
  • Difficulty in giving or receiving feedback, including performance appraisals
  • Concern about the behavior of a colleague
  • An ethical dilemma that has arisen at work
  • Planning for a difficult conversation with a colleague or supervisor
  • Concern about safety or other aspects of your work environment
  • Curiosity about having a "facilitated conversation" or mediation process with a colleague or supervisor

What you can Expect in a Meeting

The first thing the ombuds will do is take the time to get to know you, learning about your background, your department and the people with whom you work. All discussions with the ombuds are completely confidential, except where there is risk of significant, 即将到来的伤害. The ombuds complies with the International Ombudsman Association (IOA) Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

Next steps involve exploring your specific situation. This might include reviewing such issues as:

  • A brief chronology of the events that have caused concern
  • Your perspective on this, as well as your sense for the perspective of other involved parties—including the needs and goals of all parties
  • Efforts made so far to resolve the issues
  • 你优先考虑的, both personally and professionally—clarity about these can help you make good decisions about potential actions

在一起, we will work to fully understand the important issues present and then brainstorm about options and solutions. 在很多情况下, people benefit from jointly developing a plan for a discussion they will then have with the involved parties. It is not unusual to have more than one meeting about issues that are complex.

The ombuds is not responsible for:

  • Conducting investigations. If you feel you have a matter that may require investigation, please contact Human Resources, the Office for Equity and Inclusion, or other formal channels at the college. 
  • Establishing policies. 也许有那么几次, 然而, when the Ombuds may suggest that the college consider a different approach to a policy.
  • Getting involved in formal processes, such as grievance procedures or legal matters.



文章 & 提示

Following are links to helpful websites about 解决冲突:


Training on improving your ability to work with and resolve conflict—available through LinkedIn Learning (formerly  

You access this by going to the 澳门葡京博彩软件 门户网站 and clicking on the link for LinkedIn Learning in the left column. 注意: if you do not already have a LinkedIn account, you can set  one up on the LinkedIn site. Sign in as needed for the site.

To access a list of online, self-paced classes related to 解决冲突, enter the word “conflict” in the search box at the top of the main page and press the search icon. A good one to start with is called “Improving Your Conflict Competence.”

Contact Office of the 监察员

Northampton, MA 01060

电话: 413-585-7953 电子邮件:

Christine Yurgelun can be reached via phone or email to arrange a meeting. Meetings may be held virtually where appropriate.