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By closing the gap between students’ learned and lived experiences—w在这里 sustainability becomes the norm rather than practiced by only the concerned—Smith engenders broad-scale changes that ripple from our graduates to communities outside Smith. By weaving sustainable practices into the fabric of Smith’s organization, and through collaboration with community and institutional partners, the college will lessen its environmental footprint and prepare for the inevitable realities of climate change. Our climate action can be witnessed and experienced in all corners of our physical campus, 操作, 澳门葡京博彩软件, and student programming.

Climate Adaptation and Preparedness

As a residential college with year-round programs, we are actively considering campus and community vulnerabilities to the projected impacts of climate change in our region. 

除了 to converting the entire campus to electricity, our campus-district energy plan will enable building-occupant comfort with efficient heating and cooling systems to abate weather and temperature-related health risks. 

Our preparation and adaptation plans also include stormwater capture and reuse, flood prevention and management along the Mill River, foreseeing risks to critical trees and plants, and planting species that are better suited to projected weather conditions. 除了, our students are engaged in project based learning to assist local towns and agencies in their climate adaptation and resilience plans.

2021 Landscape Master Plan

In summer 2019, Smith began a college-wide landscape master planning process. 在完成, the plan will guide Smith's future campus landscape development 了解更多 and read plan updates 在这里.

植物园 Strategic Plan

植物园’s 5-year strategic plan prioritizes adopting bioproductive landscapes, developing a long-term invasive species management plan, and waterway stewardship of Paradise Pond.

Climate Forward Investment Strategy

的 college recognizes that our endowment’s investment strategy must be consistent with and supportive of the college’s mission and values. Historically, Smith has used its role as an investor to act on specific social issues. 的 Advisory Committee on Investor Responsibility (ACIR), a subcommittee of the board of trustees’ Investment Committee, leads our investment work.

In October 2019, the 设置指导 our college’s outsourced endowment management firm to exclude all future investments with fossil fuel-specific managers from the 澳门葡京博彩软件 endowment, and began an immediate phaseout of all current investments with fossil fuel-specific managers. This phaseout will be achieved through the sale, maturity or liquidation of investments held by fossil fuel-specific managers over a projected period of 15 years.

的 college’s investment strategy has been informed by actions from and collaborations with the student group Divest Smith, as well as recommendations from the Study Group on Climate Change.

Maximize Sustainable 食物 Practices

Smith's 餐厅 服务 team takes great strides to develop and sustain strong environmental food purchasing and service programs.  了解更多.

教师 Sustainability Expertise

的 Committee on Academic Priorities has prioritized climate change and sustainability in its faculty appointment decisions to strengthen and diversify Smith’s academic expertise and curricular offerings across the divisions and through disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches. 截至2020年, over 55% of all academic departments had at least one faculty member whose research intersects with or centers on sustainability issues.  

请参阅 为教师 page for grants and fellowships that support faculty research and teaching in areas of the environment, ecological design, and sustainability.