
A limited number of students may participate in the 12-College交换 Program in their junior year. 

The deadline for the application is 2月1日 each academic year.

参加交流的院校如下. 并不是所有的学校每年都会提供名额.

You may apply to only one college for the full year; the National Theater Institute and Williams-Mystic are semester-only programs.

You can apply to a different college for each semester in one academic year, but there is no guarantee that you will get into both of your choices.


  • 累积平均分是3分.0
  • have declared a major before submitting the 12-College交换 application form
  • 没有信贷短缺
  • 是美国永久居民或公民
  • international students may apply to The National Theater Institute (NTI) or 威廉姆斯神秘海港计划 only

当你在交易所的时候, you must abide by the academic policies and deadlines set by the host institution. You cannot be considered for transfer to the other college after participating in the exchange.

使用 12 .大学交换申请 (Google表格)申请. 你需要两封教员的推荐信. 教师 can submit the recommendation to the class deans office directly.

Note: If you are applying to the National Theater Institute (NTI) or 威廉姆斯神秘海港计划, 有一个 两步申请流程. In addition to completing and submitting the 12 .大学交换申请 to the 类院长 office, 你还必须直接申请NTI和威廉姆斯神秘学院. 澳门葡京博彩软件不能保证他们会接受你的申请. 如果你被这些项目中的任何一个录取, your financial aid will travel with you only if you are approved and selected by 澳门葡京博彩软件 to participate in the exchange program. If you are not selected to participate in the 12-College exchange, you may be able to still attend. 更多信息请咨询院长安德里亚·罗西-里德.


学生必须 直接应用 to the institute at 305 Great Neck Road, Waterford, CT 06385, and file the 12 .大学交换申请 (PDF)在截止日期前寄给澳门葡京博彩软件.


想上一学期课的学生必须 直接应用 寄到格林曼维尔大道75号,邮政信箱6000号,威廉姆斯神秘酒店.,神秘镇,CT 06355,并提交 12 .大学交换申请 (PDF)在截止日期前寄给澳门葡京博彩软件.


Study at Dartmouth is for an entire academic year only (three Dartmouth quarters are equal to two Smith semesters) and cannot be combined with a semester at Smith within the same academic year.  Dartmouth requires that a student study for three out of four quarters, including a summer quarter. 您可以从以下顺序中选择:

  • 夏季/冬季/春天的季度
  • 冬天/春夏季度

You may not enroll at both Dartmouth and Smith during the same academic year. You may not enroll in two Dartmouth summer terms during your year away. The 12-credit limit to summer school transfer credit also applies to Dartmouth summer school. The normal course load at Dartmouth is three courses in each of three quarters, 等于澳门葡京博彩软件的八门课程.

你必须于 2月1日 为下一学年的任何一个学期. 逾期申请不予受理.

3月底: You will receive notification of your application directly from the host college.

4月: If you are accepted, you will be asked to sign a 12-College交换 Confirmation form. This confirms to 澳门葡京博彩软件 and the host school that you intend to study there the next year.

5月1日: 提交经批准的校外学习表(见 休假).

在您确认您打算在交易所学习之后, all further arrangements are handled by you and the host college directly. You may be required to put down a nonrefundable deposit at the host college before May 1.  It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they receive their host college email address, 账户和账单信息, along with any health insurance waiver or enrollment instructions.

You will list a tentative course program on the application form. 如果你以后改变你的课程计划, 你必须通知你的澳门葡京博彩软件指导老师和你的班级主任.

所有你想主修的课程, minor or concentration requirements must be approved by your adviser. 所有转让信用的规则适用于交易所. You cannot transfer in more than 40 credits for a year of study on the exchange.

在你接受了12所大学交换项目的名额之后, you will handle all financial arrangements directly with the host college. The regular tuition and fees are billed by the host college and paid to that college.  


There is a limited amount of financial aid available for the 12-College交换. If you are a financial aid recipient at Smith and are approved by the college and the host program to participate in the 12-College交换 Program, 请咨询澳门葡京博彩软件金融服务公司. You may use federal grants and loans on the 12-College交换. International students are only eligible to use their Smith aid for the National Theatre Institute and Williams Mystic 项目. 联系 学生财务服务 了解更多信息.


It may not be possible for you to arrange for work-study on the 12-College交换. If you have difficulty arranging a work-study position, consult the 学生就业办公室.

You cannot transfer credit for study abroad earned through the 12-College交换, 即使其中一所主办学校有出国留学项目.

If you decide not to accept an offer from a host college on the exchange, 你必须书面通知接待学院和澳门葡京博彩软件.

If you decide to study on the exchange and then change your mind after signing the confirmation form, you can only return to Smith to earn credit or take a personal leave of absence. 你不能在其他地方学习和转移学分.

The grades you earn at any of the 12 colleges are recorded on your Smith record with a single bracket next to them. 它们不计入你的GPA. They can be counted toward the Latin honors distribution requirements. 主办学院是否允许S/U或及格/不及格课程, 学生可以选择这些评分选项.

It is your responsibility to request the host college to send your official transcript to the Smith registrar to record your studies.


The same academic standards that apply to grades earned at Smith apply to grades earned on the exchange. If your record at a 12-College交换 school is unsatisfactory, it will be reviewed by the Administrative Board and you may be placed on probation upon your return.

看到 休假 for information about housing and registration when you return to Smith.