

From planning a cider and donuts event to negotiating staff communication with administration to recommending whether the campus go tobacco free, much of 员工委员会 work is done on committees. 员工委员会 works to manage both internal 员工委员会 committees as well as recommending the membership of staff on all-campus committees like the Advisory Committee on Resource Allocation and Committee on Mission and Priorities. Committee participation is a great way to be involved, meet people from across campus, and make a difference from bolstering staff morale to digging into the gritty details of college policies.

Which Committee is Right for You?

员工委员会 has six standing committees, and any staff member is welcome to participate. To support staff community engagement, the college provides limited release time to staff, even if they are not elected to staff council. In addition, 员工委员会 recommends membership to all-campus committees. Joining a committee is a great way to be involved, engage, and meet other staff from across campus.


August 8, noon | Campus Center 205

活动委员会 Meeting

9月29日下午1:30.m. |虚拟会议

通讯委员会 Meeting




会员 and 招聘委员会


Personnel Policy Committee

第一个星期三,下午2-3点.m. |虚拟会议


员工委员会 has six standing committees. Each elected member of the 员工委员会 serves on at least one committee and is expected to serve on and attend all meetings of that committee. 工作人员 from the entire Smith community are welcome and encouraged to join 员工委员会 committees.


The chairperson of each committee is elected by committee members. In addition to planning and running meetings, the chair is responsible for reporting regularly on the committee’s work to the full 员工委员会. All committee chairs also serve on the steering committee.


The activities committee is responsible for participating in the coordinating, organizing and publicizing of special events. These events allow staff to meet and interact with colleagues in other departments across campus, and foster an atmosphere of cooperation and community spirit.


The communications committee is responsible for informing 澳门葡京博彩软件 staff of the actions of 员工委员会, through The 员工委员会 Chronicle and other means of communication. This committee also advises administration regarding the dissemination of information to staff and the community at large.


The diversity committee is responsible for identifying and planning activities on campus that promote diversity. The committee collaborates with the office for equity and inclusion and the President’s Diversity Council in carrying out its mission.

员工委员会 has six standing committees. Each elected member of the 员工委员会 serves on at least one committee and is expected to serve on and attend all meetings of that committee.

工作人员 from the entire Smith community are welcome and encouraged to join 员工委员会 committees.


meets virtually, contact Brenda for Zoom link

  • 卡罗琳·伯特兰 联合主席
  • 安德里亚·费尔南德斯 联合主席
  • 凯茜卡尼
  • Steaphan米什
  • 戴维斯里维拉
  • 克里斯·谢伊
  • 瓦莱丽•汤普森


  • Kai Devlin
  • 会Doyon
  • 罗蕾莱Erisis
  • 劳拉·戈麦斯 联合主席
  • 詹妮弗•肯尼迪
  • 安德鲁•毛雷尔 联合主席
  • 阿布里尔纳瓦罗


  • Kai Devlin
  • 罗蕾莱Erisis
  • 蕾切尔Hagerstrom
  • 贝弗利Lipsey
  • 戴维斯里维拉
  • 灰Sabripour, 椅子
  • 帕特里夏·伍兹

会员 & 招聘委员会

  • 会Doyon, 椅子

Personnel Policy Committee

  • 卡罗琳·伯特兰
  • 安德里亚·费尔南德斯
  • 安娜Goodreau
  • 黎明海恩斯
  • 阿布里尔纳瓦罗, 椅子
  • 灰Sabripour
  • 克里斯汀斑点


请参阅 在线学院代码 (PDF) through the Office of the Provost/Dean of the 教师 for more details on ex officio staff committee membership and faculty appointment.

Administrative 工作人员 Grievance Committee

Current 工作人员 representatives: Not active, filled as needed.
Five full-time staff members, staggered three-year terms.

Review grievances which have not been able to be resolved through the Grievance Procedure (section 212) Steps 103 to determine whether they merit a full hearing; Convene hearings as needed during which cases will be reviewed in their entirety, including seeking additional information and interviewing involved parties; Issue written findings and recommendations to all parties and submit them to the President for review and final decision. This committee requires members who are discreet and who feel capable of keeping their work confidential.

Advisory Committee on Resource Allocation (ACRA)

Current 工作人员 representatives: 曼迪如针的
Two staff members, staggered three-year terms.

Advise the President on matters relating to budgeting and financial planning for the college.

Campus Planning Committee (CPC)

Current 工作人员 representative: 凯特·沃伦(2017)
Two staff members, one- to two-year terms.

Review all building and renovation projects with exterior design changes; Implement the Landscape Master Plan; Set and maintain standards for campus signage and outdoor furniture; Oversee decisions regarding campus traffic and parking matters; Make recommendations about installation of outdoor works of art.

The 员工委员会 creates ad hoc committees as the need arises. Ad hoc committees have broad representation; employees who are directly involved in an issue are represented.