
澳门葡京博彩软件 健康服务 provides interdisciplinary, 文化敏感和包容性的健康促进服务,旨在使我们不同的学生群体充分参与并在他们的大学经历中茁壮成长. We are sensitive to how the components of our lives, from our identities to our lived experiences, impact our health and well-being.


健康开放时间由专业工作人员主持,为澳门葡京博彩软件提供一对一的保密支持. 这段时间是获得支持和养成健康习惯的好机会——我们很乐意谈论一系列话题,包括但不限于睡眠, 性别认同, 健康的关系, substance use and harm reduction, 和自我保健.

If you would like an appointment with a health educator/peer 精神 health supporter, 你可以报名 在这里 或联系 健康@pxlb.net.



  • The whole person: mind, body, soul and spirit
  • Treating all individuals with respect and dignity
  • Pursuing 社会 justice and health equity
  • Understanding 健康 as an individual and 社区 pursuit



健康 is a lifelong journey, valuing everything we are as living beings, in the full complexity of our positive and negative experiences. We are whole people moving through the world as the world moves around us; as such, these definitions must grow and change along with us. 通过我们部门, students can explore the multiple facets of 健康, including their physical, 情感, 社会 and 精神上的 wellbeing.




保持身体, 精神, 社会和精神福祉是一个不断变化的目标——这项工作需要用心和关怀. 我们支持在我们的身份背景下探索和发展幸福的工作:身体, 社会, 情感, 精神上的, 祖先的, 社区, 环境, 知识, financial and occupational life components.

健康的一部分涉及通过命名和努力消除耻辱和系统性残疾歧视,在个人和社区层面解决阻碍整体性和获得护理的问题, 资本主义, 阶级歧视, fatphobia, 恐同症, 种族歧视, 性别歧视, transphobia and other forms of oppression in our 社区.

We believe in a 社区 care model with an emphasis on connection. Well-being 和自我保健 are the responsibility of the whole 社区. 福祉取决于包括教师在内的广泛利益攸关方的参与, 精神领袖, 朋友, families and the institutions with which one is connected.


澳门葡京博彩软件活页夹图书馆提供了有关安全装订的教育,并在购买活页夹之前提供了一个独立的试用环境. We have a wide array of sizes and colors. If finances are a barrier, we’re happy to help you apply for funding. 如果你需要帮助找到合适的衣服,工作人员可以提供支持.

What is the binder library?
The binder library is a free, 离散资源为澳门葡京博彩软件学生,以帮助协助选择正确的粘合剂和检查适合. 我们收集了TomBoyX和GC2B的各种颜色的活页夹, 尺寸(XS至4XL), 和风格, 还有一个工作人员可以帮助你测量和找到合适的衣服.

Can I have a binder from the library?
The binders are for trying on and determining the right size; we cannot give them away. We have a handful of second hand binders we can give away. If buying a binder is a financial burden, we can help you apply for funding through Smith or other organizations.

W在这里 can I get funding for a binder?
The Emergency Medical Fund, found on the Smith Social Network, covers up to $80 in funding for binders per student per year.

活页夹图书馆由性与性别资源中心资助,由健康部门维护. In Spring of 2022, the staff binder librarian is 阳光Windorski (他们/他). Sunny graduated from Smith in 2020 and has first hand experience binding; they are happy to help in any way they can. Feel free to reach out at awindorski@pxlb.net.

Binder library appointments are scheduled in the same block as one on one 健康 appointments; this means that you could be coming into the office for any reason. T在这里 are a few private spaces w在这里 students can try on the binders, including spaces with mirrors and spaces without mirrors.

Is the binder library accessible?

W在这里 is the binder library?
We are located in the 健康 Department on the second floor of the Schacht Center.

How can I use the binder library?
schedule an appointment. If none of those times work, email awindorski@pxlb.net to schedule an appointment.

Is t在这里 information on binder safety?
是的! When you visit the binder library, you can chat with Sunny about binder safety. We also have information you can take home with you.




阳光Windorski studied psychology at Smith. They previously worked on the Massachusetts COVID response w在这里 they contact traced, 提供同伴心理健康支持,并担任性倾向、性别认同和表达工作组主席. While working for the state, 他们为同事创建并监督LGBTQIA+医疗保健培训的最佳实践,并为心理健康支持提供各种团体和个人干预措施. They are passionate about 精神 health, BIPOC well-being and trans health. 在工作之余,你通常会发现Sunny在尝试新食谱或在大自然中度过时光.

凯蒂Oleksak, M.Ac. 地方政府投资公司.Ac.

Acupuncture and Pain Management

凯蒂Oleksak一直对替代医学很感兴趣,并且知道她的职业在某种程度上与医疗保健有关. Not knowing exactly how this would manifest, 她开始研究教育机会并了解了新英格兰针灸学院(NESA). 2011年,她获得了美国国家针灸研究所(NESA)的针灸硕士学位和疼痛科学硕士学位, 研究, education and policy from Tufts University School of Medicine in 2011. 她还拥有波士顿草药研究学院学徒计划的草药证书. 她有十多年在天然食品商店工作的经验,对草药和补充剂的预防保健和治疗广泛的急性和慢性疾病感兴趣. Katie feels strongly about the integration of acupuncture, 饮食, 营养, and alternative therapies for overall health and 健康. 她重视支持社区的当地企业、农业和将食物用作药物. She is known to provide simple, 有效的, 为她的病人提供强大的针灸治疗,治疗各种疾病,包括但不限于:压力, 焦虑, 失眠, 疼痛, 过敏, 消化问题, migraines and hormonal imbalance. Katie has been working with Smith students since 2016, and has incorporated virtual 健康 visits throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.


Elizabeth Devine, MS, RDN, LDN

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist


Elizabeth became a registered and licensed 饮食itian as a second career in 2010. Since then she has worked at UMass 餐厅, earning a national award for her healthy protein promotion in 2013; been a board member of the Western Area Massachusetts Dietetic Association, receiving the special recognition award in 2014; and maintained a private practice specializing in sports, 健康, and plant-based 营养. Elizabeth also directs the Student Nutritionist Program at UMass Amherst, 一个全面的服务和学习计划,为营养学生提供培训和经验,并为校园社区提供免费的营养教育和咨询.

In her role as a 饮食itian, 伊丽莎白感到很幸运,她能把自己真正喜欢的事情——教书结合起来, 研究, 与他人交流, 食物, and health – while also honoring her own roots. 最重要的是, 她努力激励和授权客户通过采取循证和根本原因的方法来实现他们的营养和生活方式相关的目标, working collaboratively to make changes both practical and sustainable. She believes that you are the expert on your life, and is happy to join you w在这里ver you are on your 营养 journey. Elizabeth’s professional interests include sports 营养 for the female athlete; 营养 for health and longevity; and the intersection of eating disorders, gastrointestinal and 精神 health, and our experience of embodiment. 

Outside of work, Elizabeth is a lifelong runner and outdoor enthusiast. 她喜欢与朋友和家人(包括她的两个孩子和两条狗)共度时光。, plant-based cooking and baking, 和阅读.