
实习 和 other work experiences are vital to your successful transition into the world of work 和 graduate school. 为你的学术努力打下基础, h和s-on experience will help you navigate your way to the next step after Smith.



选择一个你感兴趣的职业道路或组织. 将课堂知识应用到实际项目中. 了解你自己和你的职业偏好.


与团队内外的同事保持联系. Build 和 maintain these relationships, share 和 ask for information. 在LinkedIn上联系.


Cultivate essential career skills like Critical Thinking, Communication, Teamwork, 股本 & 包容与专业. We can help you identify 和 articulate how you used these 和 other skills, 并了解它们如何推动你获得下一个机会.Gain confidence in yourself 和 the unique background you bring to the internship.


根据NACE最近的一份报告, employers offered permanent employment to more than 80% of their eligible interns.




  • 哪些职业领域、组织或问题让你感兴趣?
  • 你想使用或发展什么技能?
  • 研究临时住房选择: 暑期实习住房资源 (谷歌Docs *)
  • 实习是带薪还是无薪? 如果没有薪水,你有资格申请澳门葡京博彩软件实践资金? 你能做一份带薪兼职吗? 有关预算方面的帮助,请参阅康威中心 金融教育资源页面.

    * We are aware that Google Docs don’t meet all accessibility requirements, 特别是当涉及到图像和表时. 请电子邮件 lazarus@pxlb.net for a fully accessible version if you have accessibility difficulties with Google Docs files on the Lazarus Center pages.


握手 我们的在线工作数据库和 实习. 搜索关键字,行业,功能,位置和更多. 建立一个 保存的搜索 和 receive emails or text notifications when opportunities are added within your criteria. 使用握手安排拉撒路中心咨询预约, 查看即将举行的研讨会和活动, 并访问我们基于订阅的资源(在握手中), click Career Center > 资源).

职业社区: 在你感兴趣的领域寻找实习机会.

实习报告 实习结束的要求是什么 实践-funded实习生 也是了解澳门葡京博彩软件学生实习经历的好方法. Reports are organized by career field, or you may also search by keywords.


股本 & 包含资源


网上研究机构. 找出哪些组织正在制造新闻以及为什么. 查看你感兴趣的网站, 并在脸谱网上关注他们, 领英或其他社交媒体. 使用Vault(通过访问) 握手)研究行业趋势和感兴趣的组织.

专业协会网站 often post 实习 和 provide in-depth information about fields of interest.

与澳门葡京博彩软件校友建立联系. Ask them about their career paths 和 get their advice on your internship search. 加入 澳门葡京博彩软件 和其他领英群组. 浏览 校友关系办公室 在线目录. 咨询我们的 信息性面试 & 网络指南 开始吧.

朋友,家人,以前的主管和老师 可能提供有用的线索和独特的建议. 询问他们的想法.

创建自己的实习. 如果你有一个感兴趣的组织, 但是他们没有任何招聘广告, 考虑提出你自己独特的实习计划:

与拉撒路中心的顾问会面 个性化搜索协助. Self-schedule在 握手.

  • 适用于所有感兴趣的职位, even if your qualifications don’t exactly match all requirements. 强调你所提供的,而不是你所缺乏的.
  • 准备一个 重新开始求职信为职位量身定做. 把你的草稿带到 dropin小时.
  • 为面试做准备和拉撒路中心的顾问一起练习.

When evaluating an offer, ask clarifying questions to determine if the position is a good fit:

  • What are some of the projects or assignments I would be involved in, 和 what would my role be?
  • 如何监督实习生?? 实习生是否定期与主管会面? 实习生如何获得工作反馈?
  • 你如何描述公司的工作文化?
  • What are the most important qualities you look for in an intern?
  • Are interns included in staff meetings, seminars or training sessions?
  • How do you see the breakdown between time spent on clerical work 和 career-related projects? 所有的员工都做自己的一份日常行政工作. Show that you’re eager to pitch in but be sure you’ll have career-specific work as well.

如果你不确定是否接受一份实习工作, speak with your potential superviser for further details 和/or meet with a Lazarus Center adviser.


同意并确认开始/结束日期, daily/weekly work hours 和 a specific schedule with your supervisor. Plan driving directions, parking, key access 和 security details. If you are working remotely 和/or need to log your own hours, consider a free tool like Clockify or Toggl. Familiarize yourself with required software 和 communication tools. 尽早沟通请假请求.


Notice interactions between co-workers, supervisors 和 employees. 办公室是怎样组织的? 你上司的管理和沟通风格是怎样的? 员工如何着装上班?


Determine the projects you will work on 和 what results are expected. Have a conversation with your supervisor about your learning goals for the internship, but underst和 that they likely have specific projects in mind. 日常工作(接电话、复印等).)通常是实习生职责的一部分, but focus on more substantive projects 和 tasks whenever possible. Ask how interns are evaluated; receiving regular, 实质性的反馈会帮助你发展你的技能.


A 学习合同, 与你的主管一起完成, can help start your internship off with a mutual underst和ing of expectations 和 learning objectives.


Ask questions 和 be open to learning 和 changing your approach. Exercise good time management, 和 look for opportunities to exp和 your work. Diligence can lead to more responsibility 和 may help secure a strong reference for future opportunities.

是专业. 准时到达. 履行承诺. 尽量减少使用手机和其他私人事务.

Communication 和 consideration are critical to maintaining good working relationships. Show that you’re in communication, engaged 和 eager to help the organization meet its goals.

向大家介绍你自己. 了解他们的角色以及他们如何合作, 以及你的工作对公司使命的贡献. 非正式的会面,或者安排更正式的会面 信息性面试. 在LinkedIn上联系. 写感谢信并保持联系.


Determine if the difficulties you’re experiencing prevent you from fulfilling your internship duties or meeting your learning goals. 是否有变通或合理的妥协? 为视角, discuss the situation with someone outside the organization (family, 朋友或拉撒路中心顾问). If the difficulties seriously impede your work or your learning, schedule a meeting with your supervisor to outline your concerns. Be open to other perspectives, 和 explore possible solutions together. 通过提出你的解决方案, your supervisor will see that you are committed to your internship 和 want to move forward.

花点时间思考一下你的经历. Practice articulating what happened, what you learned 和 why it was impactful. 你可以写日记, 和朋友聊天, 与值得信赖的老师或顾问见面, 或参加我们的反思工作坊.


  • 你自己. 你使用或发展了哪些技能或才能? 你达到你的学习目标了吗? 你的职业重心转移了吗? 你对这个领域或角色的看法有改变吗?
  • 你与同事的关系. 同事们是如何与你和彼此互动的? 你喜欢团队合作还是独立工作?
  • 你的工作环境. 你有参与感吗?? 强调? 无聊? Are you comfortable with deadlines, or would you prefer a more flexible work space? 你是如何安排时间的?
  • 你的任务平衡. 你每天的任务有变化吗? 你对可预测性更满意吗? Did you seek out additional projects to stretch your comfort zone?
  • 你的监督. 你喜欢密切监督还是更独立? 你是否寻求并接受反馈? Do you prefer formal meetings with your supervisor or flexible, as-needed check-ins?


实践: Funding for eligible students in qualified, unpaid summer 实习

实习信贷: 收到0.25个实习学分