
Documentation of a disability may come from different sources but begins with the individual's own report and is supplemented by medical information from clinical providers, 教育评估, 教师的观察, or from other support systems that can shed light on the challenges that need to be addressed. This documentation helps our office use its expertise and experience to determine the types of accommodations and 服务 needed. 

Proper medical documentation and educational assessment is essential to understanding the functional challenges that students are experiencing and must be submitted in order to receive accommodations. 学生 who find provision of documentation to be a barrier may contact or be referred to the 无障碍资源中心 for consultation and advice. You may also contact our office if you have any other related questions. 

如果你是一个新学生, we advise updating and gathering relevant documentation during the spring of your senior year in high school so that you can meet the June 1 deadline for housing requests and/or the August 1 deadline for academic requests. 如果您需要一个例外的规定的最后期限,请与我们联系. 

It is your responsibility to obtain and supply the college with all necessary disability information. 学院不提供全面的测试或评估. 如果需要, we can assist you in finding local providers or clinicians who can do psychoeducational testing. 清晰的, 全面的, and current documentation must be submitted with sufficient time for it to be reviewed and for any necessary accommodations to be arranged. Insufficient information or late documentation may result in delays in receiving accommodations. 

ARC does not have access to information you provided to Counseling 服务 or 健康 服务. You must make a formal request and sign a release in order for them to send it to us.



In order for information/documentation to be complete, each of the following items must be included:

  • 诊断及相应代码. 

  • 诊断日期. 

  • Brief description of the course of treatment (how long the provider has known the person).

  • 提供者最近与该人联系的日期和性质.

  • Specific information regarding the assessment and evaluation procedures used.

  • 从所进行的测试中获得的相关分数(针对学习障碍). 

  • Brief description of the current manifestations of symptoms, including nature and severity. 

  • 预计功能限制将持续的时间. 

  • A statement of the major life domains impacted by the disability (seeing, 听力, 流动性, 沟通, 认知, 自我保健, 学习, 等). 

  • A statement of how the disability and/or related medication and treatments interfere with or limit any facet of major life activity including participating in work, 课程, 项目, 服务, 或者学校的其他活动. 

  • Information regarding any current medication, including dosage and frequency.

  • 对过去提供的住宿条件的描述.

  • Additional information that may be useful in providing appropriate and effective accommodations at the post-secondary level.

  • Explanation of the correlation between the disability and the specific accommodations requested. 

  • If the provider's perspective confirms that the condition(s) rise to the level of disability. 

  • The diagnostician's name, title, license type, address, phone number, and signature.


  • Brief notes from doctors that simply request an accommodation with no other information. 

  • 写在处方纸上的信息或笔记.

  • 给病人的善后指示副本.

  • Documentation of a 学习 disability which is not 全面的 or which identifies 学习 "problems or challenges,但并没有明确诊断出学习障碍.

  • Some medical documentation or testing for 学习障碍 in grades K-12 under special education 项目 which meet the requirements of individual states. 请澳门葡京博彩软件讨论细节. 

  • There are many online 服务 set up for the purpose of quick provision of documentation; what these 服务 provide is not always accurate or complete regarding assessment of need for ESAs, 多动症/神经条件, 学习障碍, 等. 因为文档的目的是让我们更好地了解您, we value 沟通 that comes from providers with whom you have real time interactions and ongoing relationships. If you have any concerns or questions about what will be sufficient documentation, 请提前澳门葡京博彩软件讨论.


  • Our office recognizes the incredibly complex history related to the development of intelligence tests and other "standard" measures, and the ways in which results can be impacted by unjust societal power dynamics.  

  • Our office recognizes the multiplicity of world cultures which have a variety of supports for health and wellbeing, 而这并不总是包括主流供应商. If you have cultural considerations you would like to discuss in terms of documentation or accommodations, 我们很乐意和你谈谈. 请澳门葡京博彩软件安排时间. 

  • 要认为文档是“最新的”,它必须是准确的. Please note that while our office does not make a blanket statement about exact timeline, 这是研究生院和gre考试的常见标准, 等.是在过去三年内. Please be aware that we may accept documentation that might be considered out of date in other contexts, and it is your responsibility to obtain what you need in a timely way for other 项目.  

  • Disability information is not reviewed to assess the need for medical or clinical intervention or remedial educational 服务. 

  • Clinical consultation to correct or remediate specific 学习 or medical problems is not provided or paid for by the college.

  • 专门针对学习障碍, 学院一般要求进行全面的心理教育测试, 全面神经心理学评估, 和/或测试能力, 成就, 信息处理, 短期/长期记忆, 视觉和听觉速度, 和阅读. 这些测试可能包括韦氏WAIS-R, 伍德科克-约翰逊修订版, WJ-R, 任务, WIAT二世, TOWL-2, 纳尔逊-丹尼阅读测验, 斯坦福诊断性数学测试, 和其他人. 

  • The Wide Range Achievement Test-Revised (WRAT) is not a 全面的 measure. 

  • 如有任何问题,请与我们联系.