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招聘 & 招聘

人力资源 provides recruitment and related services to hiring managers in order to attract, 雇佣, and retain the best qualified candidates. It is our goal to work collaboratively with hiring managers and staff search committees to attract a diverse pool of applicants during the selection and hiring process. We are also available to provide guidance and support to employees seeking career development assistance.


A clear recruiting plan is foundational to having a successful 雇佣. Human resources provide recruitment and related services to attract, 雇佣 and retain the best qualified candidates. 这 招聘指南 is designed to assist managers in the hiring steps of the recruiting process as you work in collaboration with the Talent Acquisition team.

多样性 Outreach

澳门葡京博彩软件 is committed to equal opportunity, diversity and a climate of inclusion. We have a list of recruitment sources and organizations that will help you to diversify your applicant pool and familiarize you with services for people of color, 女性, and people with disabilities.

Steps for 工作人员 招聘 & 招聘

The hiring process begins when a position becomes vacant or a new position is created. The steps below should be followed sequentially. For questions on the hiring process, please contact your Recruiting Specialist at

Position Management Process

Position Management at Smith is a process by which college leadership monitors FTE growth and headcounts, ensuring the workforce is appropriately balanced and focused on achieving the mission and strategy of the college. The college has implemented a systematic approach to position management requests allowing for consistent, fair and equitable responses to how requests are identified, 评估, 和批准. All positions are reviewed monthly by human resources and the budget office. Please work with your HR partner to discuss specifics of your workforce. 更多的 information including the new Position Management form can be found on the position management page.