

The Smith 大学公司卡 Program cards are coded for either purchasing expendable supplies or for purchasing supplies 和 travel 和 entertainment purposes. Payment is made to the bank by the college; the cardholder does 不 pay the monthly statement. 采购物资时, 你可以用这张卡订阅, 当地的商店, 网上订购和几乎所有接受万事达卡的地方.

大学公司卡规则 & 需求

You must be a Smith employee to be eligible for a corporate card; temporary employees are 不 eligible.

Only the cardholder whose name is embossed on the card is authorized to use the card 和 is responsible for ensuring that all charges made with the card are in compliance with these policies 和 procedures. 禁止共用卡片.

在旅行中使用该卡时,请向审计长办公室查询 旅游与娱乐(T .&E)费用政策 适用于.



  • Employee gifts, cash advances, prepaid gift cards or personal items
  • 鲜花超过25美元,见澳门葡京博彩软件行为准则, 礼物和小费
  • 手机, pda, voice/data services (there are a few exceptions authorized by the Controller's Office for pooled phones)
  • 请联系Joshua Parad,地址是 jparad@pxlb.net 在使用该卡前,须缴付任何与CFCD有关的费用.
  • Internet or online payment mechanisms such as PayPal 和 others that do 不 identify the ultimate payee. 你可能 不 为PayPal账户注资.
  • 租赁
  • 移动费用
  • 火器、弹药或爆炸物
  • 捐赠及捐款
  • 罚款及罚则
  • 邮费请使用 澳门葡京博彩软件副本 & 打印服务澳门葡京博彩软件邮件服务 发送与澳门葡京博彩软件有关的邮件.
  • Payments for services, including payments to independent contractors or consultants
  • 个人车辆费用, including gas (reimbursement for such costs are made through the mileage reimbursement allowance. Only purchases for College vehicles are permitted on a College Corporate card).
  • The card may 不 be used at on-campus retail divisions (澳门葡京博彩软件 Computer Store, 博物馆商店和咖啡馆). 从校内零售部门购买时, please be prepared to provide your org 和 account code so a journal entry between the two departments can be used to facilitate payment.

Incidental purchases of food 和 beverages may be made at local grocery stores for department catered luncheons or receptions. However, when an employee is accompanying a visitor or guest, the T&E费用政策 posted on the Controller’s web网站 适用于 to meals or entertainment. 看到 财务总监办公室网页 for details on entertainment documentation 和 accounting procedures.

Refer to the 采购指引表格 for appropriate forms of payment according to the cost of services.

  • Unless specifically authorized, single purchase limit must 不 exceed $5,000 per transaction.
  • Transactions may 不 be split in order to bypass the single purchase transaction limit. Splitting a transaction to bypass the corporate card limit is a college violation.
  • Number of daily authorizations allowed is 10 transactions per card.
  • 每月消费限额(视乎你的帐户而定).
  • Some individuals may have additional limits or variances due to work responsibilities or grant guidelines.

工作人员 和 faculty may apply for a card by emailing the following documents to 采购 or by entering a credit card request in Workday.

1. 请将下列表格交至采购处- purchasing@pxlb.net.


2. 在工作日申请信用卡:

  • 在屏幕顶部的搜索栏输入In 创建请求
  • 点击 创建请求 在任务和报告下
  • 在请求类型下拉菜单中选择 信用卡申请
  • 单击OK
  • Describe the Request 和 upload the 大学公司卡协议 和 Application.
  • 单击submit

To activate your card, call the number on the sticker on your card.


  • 信用卡丢失或被盗:请拨打电话 1-800-316-6056 按照提示操作.
  • Customer service: Call the number on the back of your card 按照提示操作.
  • Dispute a charge: Call the number on the back of your card 按照提示操作. 解决:解决争端或问题, you must call JP Morgan Chase 和 complete the forms that they send to you within 30 days of the monthly cycle cut date.


Corporate cards may be cancelled if a department or individual does 不 comply with policies or procedures.


Use of the card for personal purchases is cause for immediate cancellation of the card 和 possible disciplinary action by the college.


Immediately call JP Morgan Chase at 1-800-316-6056 和 不ify the 采购 Office if the card is lost or stolen.


Employees terminating employment or transferring to a不her department must return any corporate cards in their possession to the 采购 Office prior to departure or transfer.


卡每两年更新一次. The card is automatically terminated at the end of the contract period with the bank.


Failure to comply with the corporate card policy may result in revocation of the card in your name.

Each 大学公司卡 is assigned to an individual user 和 has a default cost center. Cardholders using the Workday finance expense report management system have the ability to change cost centers 和 expense items per transaction.

There are several ways to learn about the Workday reconciliations process:

1. 查看一步一步的指导,称为工作辅助,在 工作日帮助 网站(需要Smith登录).

2. 参加培训课程. 你可以从 工作日帮助 网站.

Each cardholder has 15 days from the end of the month to finish submitting their online expense reports for the preceding month.

Payments that appear on the monthly corporate card statement have already been made electronically to JP Morgan Chase.

Records are maintained in Workday when receipts are uploaded in the system. You are 不 required to keep paper receipts once they have been uploaded to Workday. 收据 prior to Workday (09/30/2019 和 before) should be retained for 7 .

文档保留策略可能因赠款而异. 请参考 资助及赞助计划 满足这些要求的站点.

If expenses are posted to the card’s default cost center 和 need to be reclassified, please follow the procedures for processing a Journal Transfer/Entry Form.

The monthly statement is mailed out after the card cycle cut date, which is the 26th of every month.