"除了 to expanding diversity in 教师 and staff, Smith must make its classrooms and discourse more inclusive and reduce barriers to full participation in its academic and co-curricular offerings."


弗洛伊德张 |他/

弗洛伊德张 guides the development and administration of all equity- and inclusion-related initiatives and programs at Smith. 他的职责之一是编程, 课程计划, and supporting the recruitment and retention of a diverse 教师, 教职员及学生团体. A professor of English language and literature and American studies, Cheung was the founding chair of the Five College Asian/Pacific/American Studies Certificate Program. He most recently served as 教师 director of the Sherrerd Center for Teaching and Learning.

皇后拉尼尔 |她/

Assistant to the 主管公平与包容的副总裁
皇后拉尼尔 is the initial point of contact for the office. She works closely with the vice president to prioritize the workflow of the office, 维持办公室预算, and schedule committee and individual meetings for office members. Queen manages all aspects of the office’s day-to-day operations while also serving on the Cromwell Day Committee, 包容 in Action and the Virtual 社区 Engagement Team. If you have any questions about the office or need to make an appointment, email Queen.

玛蒂尔达坎特维尔 她/她或他们/他们

Director of Religious and Spiritual Life and College Chaplain
Reverend Matilda Rose Cantwell served as the senior fellow for interfaith initiatives for three years, working with the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life to promote its theme of justice, 身份与社会变迁, collaborating with others to undergird and rejuvenate social justice work with contemplative and reflective practices. She works closely with various religious and nonreligious student organizations on campus, 教师, staff and community partners; and especially enjoys both her collective and one-on-one conversations with students. Matilda holds a bachelor’s degree in religious studies from Lewis and Clark College, a master’s degree from 澳门葡京博彩软件 School for Social Work, 也是耶鲁神学院的神学硕士.
Helen Hills Hills Chapel•413-585-4595

托比•戴维斯 |他/

托比•戴维斯 ’03 is available to provide a variety of trainings to individual departments, 团体和校园作为一个整体. 除了, Toby serves as the point person and advocate for low income, 第一代, 跨性别和不符合性别的学生. 他感兴趣的领域包括反种族主义, 酷儿和跨性别解放, 小组间对话和富有同情心的沟通. 他的学历是B。.A. 从澳门葡京博彩软件毕业并获得硕士学位.Ed in Social Justice Education from the University of Massachusetts, 以及社会公正调解证书. 他的办公时间是周一下午2:30-4点,也可以预约.

乌鸦Fowlkes-Witten | /他们

乌鸦Fowlkes-Witten serves as the point person and advocate for undocumented, 跨性别和性别不一致的学生. They organize and provide resources for these groups as well as advise and support students as needed. Raven oversees the office social media and is excited by campus programs centered around equity and inclusion. 请给他们发邮件预约. 

马约莉瓦尔迪维亚 |她/


马约莉瓦尔迪维亚 serves as the point person to support individual departments in their efforts of developing their 种族正义行动计划. She is available to provide a variety of trainings to individual departments. 她拿的是M。.Ed和PH.D in Social Justice Education from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and has ten years of experience in the field of social justice education. Marjorie is the co-author of a chapter intended to support educators and community leaders to teach about race and racism in the book 为多样性和社会正义而教学. 除了, she recently collaborated on a book chapter that focuses on providing pedagogical approaches on how to teach about class and classism for the upcoming fourth edition of 为多样性和社会正义而教学. As a social justice educator she is committed to developing, promoting an inclusive learning community that is caring, 支持和欢迎, and fosters interests and commitment to equity and inclusion. Her office hours are Wednesdays 2-4 or by appointment in College Hall 307

L 'Tanya里士满 |她/

Dean Richmond is responsible for the strategic leadership, 愿景, 以及多元文化事务的管理. She is devoted to programs and policies that maximize student personal development and academic excellence opportunities. Dean Richmond oversees the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship program, 应急基金, 姆旺吉基金, 以及所有的多元文化学生指导服务.    