


I. 目的

To establish a policy for the safe use of “unlicensed off-the-road vehicles” on campus.

II. 范围

This policy covers all types and makes of “unlicensed off-the-road vehicles”: three (3), 四(4), 或六(6)轮车辆, 电力或燃气驱动, 或者替代燃料汽车, 用于运送人, 设备, 产品, 等., on campus or for grounds or facilities maintenance purposes.

3. 定义

  1. 公用车. 如本文所用, the term shall apply to all unlicensed (unregistered) off-the-road vehicles operated on the campus including golf carts.
  2. Credentialed Drivers are those drivers who have been credentialed by their department, 以及符合学校驾驶标准的学生.

IV. 政策

1. 任何街道或道路位于学校财产.
2. 指定的自行车道或车道.

  • Only 公用车s essential to maintaining and servicing college facilities and academic, 运动, administrative or development functions shall be permitted to be operated on campus. Requests for transports for mobility impaired persons should be referred the Office of Disability 服务. Summer conference requests should be directed to the Conference Office.
  • Only Credentialed Drivers of the college may operate 公用车s.
  • Pedestrians shall have the right-of-way on all walkways of the campus at all times.
  • If a 公用车 is in an area when pedestrians are present, 马车的速度应降至步行速度, 并且对行人小心有礼. 操作者应停止操作, 或者在人群中穿梭, even if the 公用车 has to leave the road or sidewalk and drive on the grass.
  • The following areas shall be “Off-Limit-Areas” at all times:
  • While traveling on campus roads, all motor vehicle laws shall be observed. Carts shall be operated at speeds no greater than all safety concerns demand.
  • 公用车s shall be parked so as not to obstruct normal egress from buildings or block exits, 人行道上的残疾人坡道或行人通道. 多功能车不得停放在残疾人专用车位, 收费停车位, reserved spaces (unless reserved for the 公用车) or fire lanes. Whenever possible utility carts shall be parked in the loading dock service area of a building (but shall not block access to refuse dumpsters).
  • Equipment shall be loaded onto 公用车s so as not to create a hazard to pedestrians. No 设备 shall be loaded on a 公用车 that exceeds the width of the cart or exceeds load capacity.
  • Seatbelts must be worn by all vehicle occupants at all times if equipped. The maximum number of passengers is equal to the number of seats or seatbelts in the vehicle. All passengers must be in a seat while the cart is moving — no exceptions. Drivers violating this safety rule will have their driving privileges suspended.
  • When riding in a 公用车 all hands and feet shall be kept in the cart. 司机必须穿鞋.
  • Under no circumstances shall a 公用车 be used to tow any 设备, 除非有适当的装备这样做.e.拖车故障等.).
  • 公用事业车必须关闭, parking brake secured and the keys removed from the vehicle when the operator leaves the vehicle, 没有例外. 如有可能,应避免在斜坡上停车.
  • 公用车s are particularly prone to tipping and rolling over. Operators will use extreme caution while making turns, on uneven surfaces and on hills.
  • 在多用途车辆内禁止吸烟.
  • Golf Cart/实用程序 Vehicle operators are not permitted to drive while wearing devices that impede hearing, e.g.、立体声耳机、耳塞等. Cell phone usage while driving a Golf Cart/实用程序 Vehicle is prohibited.
  • Carts shall not be operated at night without properly working head, tail and signal lights.

V. 责任

  1. Each Department shall be responsible for disseminating this policy, training all operators of 公用车s on the above rules and safe use of 公用车s, and insuring that appropriate corrective actions are taken when violations of this policy are reported. Violations are considered Job Performance issues and disciplinary action may be taken. These regulations are also incorporated in the Driver Certification 政策; accidents involving 公用车s will count as motor vehicle accidents.
  2. The operators of "公用车s" shall be responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle and adherence to the policies in Section IV above.
  3. 在车辆可以被识别的情况下, abuse of this policy shall be referred to the responsible Department Head. In other instances, the abuses should be referred to the Campus Safety Department.
  4. Any accident involving a 公用车 shall be reported to the Campus Safety Department immediately and an accident report form completed for every incident. An accident is defined as any collision or other contact between the 公用车 and any other vehicle, 造成任何损害的财产或人, 不管多小, 到手推车, 给任何人, 任何其他车辆或任何其他财产.
  5. Each department shall be responsible for maintaining the safe operation of its 公用车s. The 设施管理 Department shall notify the Safety Office of any uncorrected mechanical hazards or unapproved accessories on 公用车s.
  6. All 公用车s shall have an identification number assigned to the cart which shall be affixed to the front and the rear of the cart. The letter and numbers shall be a minimum of 四(4) inches high and contrast with the color of the 公用车 so they can be easily seen.
  7. Vehicles must be “stored” securely, either in a secured garage or chained.

*If there are any questions or to schedule training, contact 丰富Korzeniowski at 413-585-2458.